Best Secret Freediving spot on Lanyu, Taiwan — Chu Hai Kou!

Best Secret Freediving spot on Lanyu, Taiwan — Chu Hai Kou!

Lanyu is famous of its breathtaking undersea view and the richness of sea creatures (but not be known by foreign traveler, isn’t it the best part?!), you could find plenty of fine diving spots on the island. However, wild and undeveloped are the reasons why Lanyu is beautiful, many spots are dangerous or hard to arrive…So, Chu Hai Kou is the best one for me!

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Nha Trang(芽莊)作為越南有名的海岸城市,以綿延美麗的沙灘有名於國際。但除了沙灘外,海平面以下的芽莊更是充滿潛力,值得自由潛水者(Free Diving)、水肺潛水者(Scuba Diving)或者只是想體驗浮潛(Snorkeling)的人,去好好探索一下芽莊的水下世界。上一篇介紹了必去芽莊的五個理由,這一篇就來看看誠的潛旅過程吧~

越南|越南潛水初體驗!必去芽莊(Nha Trang)潛水的5個理由!
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越南|越南潛水初體驗!必去芽莊(Nha Trang)潛水的5個理由!

Nha Trang(芽莊)作為越南有名的海岸城市,以綿延美麗的沙灘有名於國際。但除了沙灘外,海平面以下的芽莊更是充滿潛力,值得自由潛水者(Free Diving)、水肺潛水者(Scuba Diving)或者只是想體驗浮潛(Snorkeling)的人,去好好探索一下芽莊的水下世界。